Here in Indiana Borough, we strive to become a leader in sustainable municipal practices while maintaining the health, safety, and welfare of our residents.

Sustainable Initiatives:
Inhabit Indiana
Leaf & Limb Collection
Recycling Program
Solar Cooperative
Stormwater Management
Sewage Collection
Street Maintenance
Vibrant Downtown
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability is when systems function and produce what they need without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This allows both humans and the environment to thrive. It takes willing communities to modify their way of life to promote a healthy and livable environment. This involves planning, improving and maintaining the areas in which we live. In order to do this, community leaders must explore challenges and create innovative approaches to everyday problems. There are three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic. Each pillar is key to creating a sustainable community.
The environmental pillar focuses on reducing environmental impacts. This can be achieved by recycling, reducing our carbon footprint, or creating clean energy. The social pillar supports initiatives towards equality, social justice, and social well-being. A community that is socially sustainable is diverse, connected, and provides a good quality of life. The economic pillar requires that businesses use resources responsibly and in a sustainable manner.
If this is achieved, a business can receive benefits and become more profitable in the long run. If a community can follow these general guidelines, they can become sustainable. This is something that every citizen can work towards, whether that be composting, recycling, or controlling your energy intake.
Long Term Goals:
Become a leader in sustainable municipal operations
Educate the community on latest sustainable practices
Follow "Three Pillars of Sustainability" guidelines: Environment, Social, Economic
Develop approaches to protect and restore ecosystem
Create a socially sustainable community that is diverse, connected, and provides a good quality of life
Achieve economic sustainability
Create a livable community for today's generation without sacrificing resources for future generations
Create multimodal transportation system
Sustainable Pennsylvania
Indiana Borough is among a select group of municipalities to become certified through the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification program, recognized at the gold level of certification for meeting the program’s performance criteria which track 131 policies and practices that define a sustainable community.
The certification, managed by the Pennsylvania Municipal League in partnership with Sustainable Pittsburgh, is designed for municipalities that are working to save money, conserve resources and serve vibrant communities.
In earning the gold certification, Indiana Borough is acknowledged for its progress in such areas as community design and land use, energy efficiency, health and wellness, intergovernmental cooperation, recycling and waste reduction, fiscal controls, and internal management and operations.
Further details about Indiana Borough’s certification performance within these topics can be found here.
Indiana County Sustainable Economic Development Task Force
Organized in May 2017, following the Sustainable Economy Summit, the County Commissioners appointed the Task Force in partnership with Evergreen Conservancy, the Center for Community Growth, and League of Women Voters of Indiana County.
In addition to these organizations, the Task Force works with Indiana Borough, Indiana University of PA, Indiana County Conservation District, and the Indiana County Center for Economic Operations, which includes the Chamber of Commerce, Tourist Bureau, Indiana County Office of Planning & Development, and the Indiana County Development Corporation.
A final report was presented on September 28, 2018 during the Sustainable Economic Development Summit II.
To view the final report, click here.
Focus Groups:
Sustainable Agriculture
Renewable Energy
Building Construction
Environmental Restoration/Stewardship