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5.14.2020 RELEASE: Chief's Message To Our Community


Friday May 15, 2020 marks a special day for our nation and local Indiana Borough Community!

In 1962, President John F Kennedy, signed a proclamation in which May 15 would be forever designated as Peace Officers Memorial Day. It’s a day in which we pay honor and tribute to local, state and federal peace officers who have been killed or disabled in the line of duty.

May 15, 2020 also will be a historical day in which the local Indiana County Community moves forward alongside other counties from across the Commonwealth as we move from “red” to “yelllow” . It’s symbolic of our local community’s ability to stand together by remaining apart in order to combat the spread of COVID-19. Though our community will remain at risk this transition is symbolic of the strength of our local community.

Please read the following message to the community from Chief of Police Justin Schawl.

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