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Indiana Borough to Begin Smoke Testing This Week


Indiana Borough will begin smoke testing sewer mains and laterals on Thursday, August 1st, 2019 between the hours of 8:00AM and 2:00PM. Testing will begin in the areas of North 6th Street and Croyland Avenue, then move south. As weather conditions must be dry, testing may be postponed if it is raining or the ground is sufficiently wet.

This action is being undertaken in an effort to locate sources of inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. Identifying and eliminating these sources will result in a significant reduction in the total load on the system. This approach allows us to invest wisely while addressing issues within our sanitary sewer system.

The smoke used is non-toxic and considered harmless to plants, animals & children, but residents should avoid unnecessary exposure – as prolonged contact may cause temporary irritation. Potentially affected homes should have received a doorhanger on their property last week notifying them of the tests.

On the outside of you or your neighbor’s house, you may notice smoke coming from:

  • Vent pipes

  • Gutters & downspouts

  • Along sewer lines

Smoke may be observed inside if pipes are improperly connected to the sanitary sewer system. Open doors and windows to ventilate your home if this is the case.

Residents with smoke in their homes are urged to notify the persons in the street conducting and observing the tests or call the main office at 724-465-6691 with any questions regarding the smoke testing.

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