Utilities Billing & Payments
Billing Schedule:
Utility bills are typically mailed around the 10th of each month, with a due date on the last business day of that month.
Payments Options:
Indiana Borough accepts utility payments via check, savings, credit card, or debit card.
Direct Debit (Automated Clearing House [ACH]) / Bank Checks:
Customers wishing to have payments directly withdrawn from a bank account must complete a direct withdrawal form and attach a voided check when returning it to the Utilities Billing Department. Forms can be delivered via mail, in-person or emailed to contact-us@indianaboro.com.
Residents who opt to pay via bank checks should schedule their deposit at least 7-10 business days before the last business day of the month. Many banks employ third-party companies for this service, and delays in check delivery may result in late fees.
Mail: Send a check to 80 North 8th Street, Indiana PA, 15701
Payment Service Network (PSN): our trusted payment processor. PSN has been certified to meet the stringent security requirements of the credit card industry. Customers can pay online, by phone, or on the app using PSN.
PSN Mobile App: (Android download / iPhone download)
Online: PSN's secure online portal.
Phone: Call 877-885-7968 to make a payment over the phone.
Please direct all mail to the Utilities Billing Department. We recommend creating a payer profile on a desktop before installing the mobile app for a seamless experience. Please keep in mind that convenience fees apply to electronic payments.
To ensure timely payments, we encourage paying online, using PSN’s mobile app, or signing up for direct debit (ACH). These methods offer the simplest and most reliable way to pay your utility bill on time.
Questions and Service:
If you have any questions regarding the amount of your bill or require assistance with our services, please don't hesitate to contact us at 724-465-6691. Our dedicated utility billing staff is here to help.
Important Information Regarding Delinquent & Past Due Accounts:
Delinquent Accounts (2023 and Prior Years): All delinquent accounts with outstanding balances for garbage fees, sewage maintenance fees, and sewage treatment fees assessed on real estate have been forwarded to Portnoff Law Associates for collection. Please note that arrears are subject to filing fees, interest, and penalties. Payments for delinquent fees should be made directly to Portnoff Law Associates, not Indiana Borough. Arrears will now be included on all utility bills as of February 2025.
For all questions regarding delinquent accounts, please contact Portnoff Law Associates at 866-211-9466 or through their website at www.portnoffonline.com.
Past Due Accounts (Unpaid Amounts for Current Year): All past due accounts require immediate attention to bring them up to date. Indiana Borough can only accept current or past-due payments for the current year.
Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP):
Are you or someone you know at risk of losing water service at their home? Help is available for Pennsylvanians who need help with water bills or who may lose water service. The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a new, temporary assistance program created by the American Rescue Plan Act.
LIHWAP can help households that are in emergency situations maintain essential water access in situations such as:
Past-due water bills;
Termination of water service; or,
Threat of termination of water service in the next 60 days.
To qualify, applicants must meet income requirements and have a crisis situation with water service. Learn more about LIHWAP and find out if your water service is participating at www.dhs.pa.gov/waterhelp.
Apply for LIHWAP and other public assistance programs online at anytime through www.compass.state.pa.us.