Indiana Borough Elected officials
Mayor of Indiana Borough
William B. Simmons was elected Mayor on November 2, 2021 and took the oath of office on January 3, 2022.
Mayor Simmons has extensive public safety experience from his past involvements with Indiana Borough Council, the Indiana Fire Association and Citizens' Ambulance.
His public service experiences also include volunteering with the Mack Foundation, being a former treasurer with The Open Door and serving with United Way of Indiana County, Red Cross and Downtown Indiana, Inc.
“There are difficult problems that can only be fixed with strong focus and commitment. It’s time to step up — we need a mayor with the courage, compassion and conviction to work hard for the betterment of Indiana. Having lived in Indiana all of my life, I see so much potential for our community’s future.”
- Mayor William B. Simmons, 10/28/2021

Indiana County Judge Michael Clark swearing in William Simmons.
Photo by Josh Widdowson, Renda Media
Council of indiana borough
Indiana Borough Council meets on the first Tuesday (following the first Monday) of each month at 7PM. Council meetings are currently held in a temporary location (Indiana County Courthouse Annex Building, 827 Water Street). The Council is elected by district, and therefore must apportion the districts so that each contains approximately the same number of persons pursuant to the most recent United States Census. In May 2022, an Ad Hoc Committee was formed to study the structures of similar municipalities throughout the Commonwealth. Their research and formal recommendation was presented during the July 2022 Work Session meeting held at Borough Hall. Based on that recommendation, Indiana Borough was split into two wards, East and West, with four Councilpersons from each ward.
The current Ward Map can be accessed here.
Information about the Municipal Reapportionment can be found here.
Term expires: 12/31/2027
Term expires: 12/31/2025
Term expires: 12/31/2025
Term expires: 12/31/2025
Public meeting information
Indiana Borough Council Meetings and Work Sessions are open to the public and can be attended virtually or in-person. More information can be found on our calendar. Council meetings are recorded and are available to the public on our YouTube. All other committee meeting agendas and minutes can be accessed in our document center or at the links below.
AppreciationIndiana Borough’s police officers generally handle between 9,000 and 11,000 calls for service each year 24/7/365. Notes of appreciation from community members are always welcome and will always reach our officers. Notes of support boost morale and increase officer wellness.
SuggestionWe strive to be forward moving, service oriented, and focused on positive community impacts. Suggestions for improvement from community members are always welcome and will reach our supervisors. Understanding how we may be able to better serve will increase our effectiveness.
MisconductWe are committed to the core values of honor, integrity, and respect for all persons. The Indiana Borough Police Department accepts and investigates all allegations of employee misconduct. A supervisor is available 24/7/365, in person or via phone, to immediately understand your report and to provide you with next steps.
Records and InformationDissemination of police department records are guided by the Criminal History Records Information Act and all other applicable laws. We ask that police record or information inquiry be made during normal business hours through the office of Administrative Assistant in writing. Although a Right to Know Request Form is available under the Open Government Section some information can be disseminated less formally and more expeditiously. Please contact 724-349-2121 and direct all initial requests to our Administrative Assistant. Should a formal Right to Know Request need filed, you will be advised at that time. Under PA General Assembly 2008 Act 3, requests for information filed anonymously will not be accepted.