Code Enforcement
Through daily interaction with the community, the Code Enforcement Department and Planning & Zoning Department provides input and recommendations to the Indiana Borough Planning Commission and to Borough Council for changes to the Borough’s Zoning Ordinance and Property Maintenance Code. Through daily enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance and Property Maintenance Code, the department staff assists in maintaining the health, safety and welfare of the community.
The Department is also tasked with the oversight and assistance of Community Development in order to maintain community prosperity.
For information regarding the following items please contact our office at 724-465-6543:
Commercial Certificates of Occupancy
Sub-division and Land Development
Uniform Construction Code (UCC)
Zoning Permits
UCC Residential Permitting
Zoning Classifications
UCC Commercial Permitting
Stormwater Management
Maintenance Permitting
Flood Zones
Building Inspections
Occupancy License
Code/Zoning Supervisor
Building Code official (BCO)
Property Maintenance & Housing Inspector
Property Maintenance & Housing Inspector
Property Maintenance, Electrical, Plumbing & Housing Inspector

Commercial Fencing Application
Commercial Renovation - Alteration Application
Commercial Roofing Application
Commercial Signage Application
Property Maintenance - Fence Application
Property Maintenance Application
Residential Alteration Application
Residential Deck & Porch Application
Residential Demolition Application
Sanitary Sewer
Sewer Line General Specifications
Shade Tree
Recommended Tree Species and Varieties
Streets & Sidewalks